Q: Are there an Covid 19 conditions I should know about?

A: Yes. Like many workplaces we require that you sign in or use the QR code with the Check-In TAS app when you arrive. As of January 1st 2022 our building management will also require all clients attending face to face sessions to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. 

Q: Do I need a doctor’s referral?

A: No. At TasLife Counselling we accept referrals from the following sources;

Self referral. You can call us directly or send a request through our website to arrange an appointment to see one of our counsellors. No GP referral is necessary. 
GP referral. Your GP can refer you directly to our services on your request. Once we have received the referral from your doctor one of our counsellors will contact you to arrange an appointment.
Employee Assisted Program (EAP).  Most workplaces have an EAP service that is offered to employees and their immediate family. Your workplace pays for you to come to see a counsellor, you are usually entitled to 4 appointments but this can vary depending on the EAP company. In order to make an appointment to see us under an EAP arrangement, you can call the EAP provider directly and they will set up your appointment. If you would like to see one of our practitioners you can request this when you make your appointment. 
Other Third Party Referrals. Please ask us about this.

Q. What is a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) and do I need one before I come to see a counsellor?

A: An MHCP allows access to free mental health support over six sessions through the Medicare system, however Taslife are not currently registered to provide this service. Even with an MHCP there can be a 'Gap Payment' which the client is required to pay in addition to the Medicare rebate. Taslife has an affordability scale it applies to match this rebate so the client pays an amount privately that is not more than they would pay otherwise.

Q. How much will a session cost me?

A: Taslife has an affordability scale it applies to ensure the sessions are affordable. Ongoing appointments can be weekly, fortnightly or as-needed to prevent costs becoming a burden. Typically a single-person session can cost between $80 and $140 and a couples session between $100 and 160 for an hour.

Q. What is the difference between a Counsellor, Psychologist and Psychiatrist? 

A: Any of these clinicians can provide counselling but typically they operate in different specialties. A Psychiatrist typically works with Mental Health conditions that are difficult to treat, and which can lead to a person struggling to maintain any form of normal life. Psychologists vary in expertise but many approach mental health from a medical model and treat issues as physical problems that can be diagnosed and treated with a combination of pharmacotherapy (drugs) and counselling practices. Counsellors approach mental health from a more practical 'daily life' perspective and help clients unravel whatever is preventing them from moving forward or coping with their daily lives.  Q

Q. Can I have a telehealth appointment and what is this?

A: Yes. A telehealth appointment is usually a video or telephone call that allows the discussion of problems where distance prevents face to face contact.

Q. What about confidentiality?

A: Confidentiality is an integral part of counselling and it is treated very seriously. To ensure trust and openness any discussions during a session will not be shared outside of the room without the client's written consent. There are however a few instances where confidentiality will be broken: Where self-harm or harm to others is likely to happen the police or an ambulance may be called and a next of kin notified. Where a crime, or a potential crime, has been revealed in detail the police will be notified, however talking in general terms about criminal activity will not necessarily result in notification.